Here you will be able to find release notes and FAQs about the WinePOS products and related services!
flowchart TD
A([Start]) --> B[Click the Login Icon in the top right corner of the screen.]
B --> C{Does User have VConnect access?}
C -- Yes --> D[Click 'Merchant Login']
D --> E[Enter the email you use to access \nVConnect and use the password `12345678`.]
E --> F[Click the 'Sign In' button]
F --> G[After signing in, you will be \n prompted to reset you Wiki password. \nBe sure to keep your new password\n in a safe place.\n\n Note: This password is independent from your \nVConnect account.]
G --> H([Finish])
C -- No --> I[Click 'Create an account']
I --> J[Fill out the form and then click 'Register'.]
J --> K[After you finish registering, email ICS Support\n to validate your new account. Please include your \nstore's server IP address in your email.\n This can be found at the top of your menu/register \nin the title bar. ]
K --> H
Questions, answers and solutions for scenarios with WinePOS.
Changes and releases to WinePOS, beginning 1/1/2020.
Create shortcuts, install Java and other useful links.